Mark McGrath
Concert Reviews on Sugar Ray

This band is awesome live!


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Rhonda's Concert Review

Okay, on November 4th they came to Salem, Oregon w/ 311 and Incubus. (Best concert I went to!) I got there around 5, but the concert didn't start until 7, I wanted to be sure and get close up front. In line, my friend and I met these girls. Tara and someone. We got in and got HELLA close to the front. Tara wanted to go outside and get a smoke, so I went with her. I told my friend Alishia and the other chick to save our places. We went out about 6:45. About 5 minutes later, Tara starts talking to the security guard, and persuades him to let us backstage. He let us sneak back, and I was the happiest person on earth. We had a bit of trouble with another security guard, but he let us through. I went straight to the Sugar Ray bus and who was sitting outside? Murphy. I was so excited, but I kept calm and went up to him. He was really nice and willing to talk. Mark comes out of the bus 10 minutes later, and I just froze, and said Hi, but didn't run up and grab him. Murphy was HELLA suprised. He was like, "Shoulda talked to him while you could've." I was just like, "Nah, I'm cool. I'm not an obsessed teenie like 90% of the girls are." He was shocked. I wanted his autograph, but I forgot my coat inside, which had my pens and paper, so I was out of luck. Tara and I went around after Murphy went inside his bus. We weren't about to ask for a tour. We met a local band that's good friends w/ Sugar Ray and met a couple guys from 311, P-Nut and SA. Then we went back inside and found we had missed almost all of Incubus, but heard them from outside. Then we tried to find our friends, and finally found them right before Sugar Ray came on. We watched Sugar Ray, but all got separated. I found Alishia after Sugar Ray, and we went out of the stage area. (I'm sorry if this is really long, but I like telling my story and haven't in like, 2 months.) Then we notice these 2 other girls we met in line, and they were following Murphy. I was so excited 'cause by now I had the Lemonade and Brownies CD, a shirt, and the Elixr Mag. (Which Brandon from Incubus signed) I ran after Murphy and these girls were like, "He is from Sugar Ray, right? Whats his name? What does he play?" I'm thinking "God! You're chicks who like Sugar Ray for Mark, huh?" But I told them it was Murphy, the bass player. He went to the bathroom and didn't come out for like, 15 minutes, but when he did, I was the first one to ask him for his autograph. He was all "Hey! Good to see you again. Enjoy the show?" I was so excited he remembered me. Of course, who could forget my Scooby Doo shirt and odd-colored Red hair? I told him I loved it and he played great. Then all these other people asked him for his autograph, after they realized he was in Sugar Ray. (Most didn't notice until my friend and I said something.) I met Craig inside the stage area, with his HUGE bodyguard, and he was pretty nice, he was having a good time listening to 311, so I didn't bother him for too long. Then my friend and I decided to try and sneak backstage, but it wasn't worth it, this guy was in the middle of getting arrested, so I didn't want to try. After 311 was done, we met up with Tara and her friend, and FINALLY got backstage, we snuck back one by one. Just as I went through, who was coming out the stage doors but Mark. I was the first one to notice him and VERY happy. He talked to me for a couple minutes before the crowd formed, and I ran back to tell my friend to sneak back right away, or she might miss Mark. She ran through and met him. Then he hugged Tara, and I almost cried. I wanted a hug, too. But I decided not to care, and the 4 of us sat outside on this little loading dock thing right next to the bus. Rodney came out and at first I didn't realize it was him, but when I did, I went up to him and started talking to him. He was REALLY nice about talking to us and went inside to try and find shirts, but could only find stickers, which was better than nothing. When we asked about going in the bus he said "I'd take you inside, really, but its so fucking packed and I don't want to make you girls uncomfortable or stand on the steps, 'cause thats not fair or cool, but I'm really sorry, and plus Mark is limitng people 'cause of his knee and Stan's mom....and all." Then he explained about Stan's mom, but I won't get in that. Then he said he was getting called back in, but thanked us for coming and to come see them again. (Then we tried to knock on the 311 door, but ended up getting kicked out.) And THAT was my Sugar Ray experience. One of the best experiences of my life. I hope it happens again when I fly down to LA in March!

Ashley's Concert Review

I live in Houston, and a couple of months ago I went to see Sugar Ray. They were totally rocking Buffalo Bayou, the place I saw them at. Me and two of my friends had wedged ourselves against the gate, right in the front row. Mark looked absolutely hot. He climbed all over the speakers and I was within, literally, four feet of him. Me and every other girl were screaming our lungs out for him, especially when he got even closer to us. The whole show, my friends and I were screaming at him to, "TAKE YOUR SHIRT OFF." He never did. Then, one time, he was trying to get the crowd real quiet for something, I don't remember, and my friend Jessica, being the loudmouth that she is, yelled at him to take his shirt off. When she said it, it was so freakin' loud because everyone was trying to get quiet instead of her. When Mark heard her, she was standing right in front of him, he smiled. Jessica freaked because, "HE HEARD ME..." blah blah. At the end of the show, Mark was on the other side of the stage. He was finishing his last song. He took his shirt off, walked across stage and handed it to me!!! All these hands grabbed at me and my friends, you couldn't image. But we managed to hang on to it, with the help of the bodyguards pushing back the screaming fans. We each wanted a piece of the shirt, but we hated the idea of cutting it. We did anyway, so we all have a piece of Mark's shirt on our wall. What a souvineer!!

Nikki's Concert Review

Well my story is pretty pathetic. But i love it! NEWAYS i saw Sugar Ray at the WHFS Nutcracker. They put on the best performace out of any band because Mark went everywhere on and off stage. He even walked through the floor area right up the steps one row over from me (almost died)! The closest to an encounter that i got was when he was in the backstage area i yelled "MARK" and he raised his bud in the air towards me. The best part of my story is when they were clearing off the stage after Sugar Ray they missed one of Mark's buds that was sitting on the highest speaker that he climbed. So i asked one of the crew to get it for me and he did but then there was a problem. He was standing right in front of me with the can and said he could't give it to me because it was half full. I begged him to pour it out which he later did. So i have a Beer can that Mark had his LIPS on!!!

Erin's Concert Review

I went to was a great day. All the bands were terrific. Of course Sugar Ray rocked...RPM, Falls Apart, Even Though, Someday, Fly, Personal Space Invader, Every Morning was the set. There was the usual spoof on the Backstreet Boys...Quit Playing Games With My Heart....Mark was in rare form, although he did seem quite choked up when he dedicated and sang Fly to his recently departed really was a moving tribute. I think all 127,000 of us felt his loss. Enough of the heavy stuff...when it came to playing Someday. Over all, I was quite impressed with the Hard Rock Rockfest. The line up of the bands was excellent and it wasn't a bad way to spend a Saturday.

Fiona's Concert Review

I went to see Sugar Ray in San Diego and they rocked!!!! I loved it! Their stage was awesome and they were so pumped! It was the most fun I've had at a concert, and here's why! After they played, me and my friend went and hung around this chain link fence for over an hour (the whole time Goo Goo Dolls played) waiting to have anyone from Sugar Ray to sign this shirt I bought. Stan came out to talk to someone and no one else recognized him but me so I'm all "Hey Stan" and he smiled and said "Hi" then he signed my shirt and chatted for a second. (by the way my shirt was awesome, some guy in San Diego printed them himself and they had "Sugar Ray" on the front and on the back had a picture of Mark from the Rolling Stones cover and some venues they're playing at). Stan signed on one of Mark's shoulders. So about an hour later, Mark came over to sign stuff and out of nowhere a hundred screaming girls came running and almost pushed over the fence. I thought he'd leave after signing a couple things but he stuck around and I got my ticket stub signed and my shirt, (on the shirt he wrote on his pic "Mark Sugar Ray" then drew an arrow to his belly and circled it and wrote "FAT"). How cute is that! I LOVE SUGAR RAY!!!! I took lots of pictures. They played Every Morning, Falls Apart (my fave!), RPM, Fly, Mean Machine, Someday... I'm thinking there were a few more but I can't remember. They had 2 guys come up for "Free-style rap" which they also did on there "Floored" tour. They also did what Mark called "Rock and Roll Kareoke" in which they played a cover rock song and the audience had to sing along. They probably played about 45 mins or so. The stage was awesome: it had a big banner hanging in the back which was the cover of "14:59". DJ Homicide had a cool little set up and around him was beach stuff like fishing nets with some star fish in it, it was really cool.

Wendy's Concert Review

I saw Sugar Ray in Vancouver, B.C. with my friend Marisa (who is a fanatic) and my sister Peggy (who is not). I was worried for most of the day cause I thought they would cancel the show because of Mark's voice... luckily I called the ticket place before and they said the show was still on! What a relief. Anyway, we got out to General Motors Place where the concert was and we saw Sugar Ray's tour busses parked right across the street from it. I wanted to say hi to the guys so we waited out there for a while and finally we saw Murf come out of the bus and run across the street. We talked to him and he was really nice of course, but we didn't get to see him very long since he had to get ready for the show. After that we went into the venue where Fastaball was just finishing threir set and waited for them to begin. This was my 8th show, but every time I just get so excited!! (If you've seen them live then you'll understand.) One of the first things Mark said when he got on stage was sorry his voice sounded like shit. It was a little scratchy, but still I thought they sounded great, for Mark being sick and all. Most of the songs they played that night were from 14:59 but I was so glad they played Mean Machine and RPM because the crowd always goes nuts, and everyone is just bouncing off the walls. Marisa and I kept on watching Murf sing his one line in Mean Machine: "AND SLICK!" Murf rules. Fly was cool too, the whole crowd was singing really loud and dancing...The entire concert was great, but way too short since they were an opening band.

They ended around 9:30 and we didn't want to watch the Goo Goo Dolls so we walked around downtown Vancouver, which is a really cool city by the way. We came back an hour later and saw a crowd across the street so we knew somebody from the band had to be there... It turned out to be Mark signing autographs. He was completely surrounded by girls as usual, but then he said to everyone that "Markie is sickie-poo" so they would let him get back on his bus and sleep. Murphy came out too, for a really long time, and he just hung out with the crowd. He was so cool... I love him to death. I asked him if he was still gonna write the book about the band and he said yeah, but that it would take him a while to do it. I was so glad to hear that. I also asked him about Sugar Ray Online. Then he went back on the bus for a little while, but before he did I hurried to hand him my present. He kind of peeked inside the bag and then he said to the crowd, "I love presents!" Then he gave me a hug, looked at me and said "I love you." I know it sounds like I am writing my fantasy here, but I'm not making it up! He came out of the bus again later this time and I asked him how Bowie was doing. He said "He's so fresh, I love my dog." I'll never forget it.

We saw Rodney hanging out too, so we went up to talk to him. He was super nice. I told him how we had driven 8 hours just to see them and he sounded pretty surprised. We told him where we were from and he was like "Eugene, Oregon? Oh yeah, I know where that is." He asked why we just didn't go to the show tomorrow at the Gorge in Washington, and I explained to him it was because they announced that show after we had already bought the tickets to the concert in Vancouver. Then he did the most unbelivable thing... He offered us free tickets to the next concert!!! He said he would put our names on the guest list for the next day. I could not believe how lucky we were!

It was the craziest night, but it wasn't over yet... My sister started talking to a guy on the crew, I think he's like their bodyguard or something, and he mentioned that he was hungry and felt like eating McDonalds. So we ended up driving down the street and getting him some cheeseburgers and fries! He was really grateful and Peggy told him that we couldn't just watch him starve. It was funny. We went back to our hotel after that and I only got 4 measly hours of sleep because I had too much excitement for one day.
To be continued...

The next day we left Vancouver earlier than planned since it was another long drive to the Gorge. We dropped Peggy off at her apartment in Seattle though since she had to work. Marisa and I had never been out to the Gorge before and we had no idea it was out in the middle of nowhere. It was an outdoor venue and it was such a nice day. Once we got there we talked to the ticket office but guess what... The guy said our names weren't on any list. He even called the production people backstage or whatever and he said that if our names weren't on there then there was nothing we could do. I was so disappointed... We didn't even have the 30 bucks each for the tickets! Pretty stupid I know, but we had just spent most of our $ in Canada and this trip had been so unexpected. Just the thought of turning around now and driving all the way back made me wanna cry. We started walking back to our car and then this freaky guy walked up to us and asked if we wanted to buy tickets. He said he'd sell them to us for 20 bucks each. I wouldn't normally deal with scalpers but we were sooo desperate. The guy was so scary though, he was acting like since we bought tickets from him, we were supposed to go to the concert with him! Whatever!! He went to his car to get something though and we ran inside the venue. Good thing we didn't run into him again in there.

I was really glad that we didn't have to turn around and go home. Fastball was over when we got in. Then Sugar Ray came out and it was so cool to see them perform again! Craig came out onstage on a bike and Rodney was riding on a little motorized scooter! It looked like fun, I wish I had one of those! I had just been so sad like 20 mins ago but seeing them again automatically cheered me up... Soon Marisa and I were jumping up and down again like last night and nothing else really mattered anymore. The show was pretty much the same as the night before, but still it was incredible.

This time we stayed and watched the Goo Goo Dolls play. Marisa went to the bathroom or something, and I was sitting on the lawn waiting when I noticed a bicycle wheel behind the fence backstage. Hey! I jumped up and looked over the fence... It was Craig! I waved to him. I couldn't go up to him because there was a lower metal fence in front of there plus a bunch of mean security guards.Then I peeked over the big fence again and there was Rodney! I stood up on the bars of the metal fence to say hi. He actually remembered me from last night and asked if we got in okay. I told him that they wouldn't let us in and he said that he had really put our names on the list. I knew it wasn't his fault, but I felt better after talking to him. Just then the security people started getting really mad at people standing on the fence and yelled at us to get off. They threatened to spray one girl with a hose! I thought that was really rude. Marisa came back later and I told her everything then we sat and watched the Goo Goo Dolls.

Later on we were walking up the big sloping sidewalk together when we noticed a group of about 15 girls standing by an entrance to the backstage area. We had no clue what was going on but then all of a sudden they opened up the fence and let the girls in! Marisa and I decided to stand in the exact middle of the group. A guard lady stopped us though and asked who we were with and we pointed to the people in front of us!! She was like, "NO, I DON'T THINK SO!!" but then this other guy didn't care and he let us through. Once we got in Marisa and I just looked at each other like what the hell are we doing here?! It was crazy. We were so scared that lady would kick us out, but she didn't.

We followed the other girls to this grassy area with picnic tables. We found out that it was for people who had won backstage passes through the radio station! I think the contest was to meet Fastball though cause everyone was talking to them and getting their autographs and stuff. Stan was there too though and they had moved a part of a fence and he was hitting golf balls into the huge canyon thing behind it. The sun was setting then and the view was so pretty. Marisa and I chatted with Stan for a little bit. He was very sweet and thanked us for driving out there. (Anytime!)

Rodney was sitting at a picnic table so we went to talk to him again. He apologized to us for the ticket thing, but I had had a great time so it was okay. I remember being so weirded out at this point from so little sleep and the shock of being backstage that I didn't really know what to say to him. It didn't matter though because then the mean security lady told us that we had to leave. I spotted the guy we had gotten McDonalds for yesterday but we didn't get the chance to talk to him since they kicked us out.

We drove home after that... Our adventure was over! The whole weekend was unforgettable though, and I'm glad I got to share it with my best friend cause she's leaving the country and we won't be able to go to any concerts together for a long time. I figure that we drove a total of about 21 hours this weekend but I would so it all over again in a second. Thank you Sugar Ray.

CMiller's Concert Review

my daughters and i were rite in front and center!!! mark looked really good. my younger daughter got lucky and mark kissed a rose and gave it to her, my other daughter got rodneys guitar piece, and one of their friends got stans drum stick. My younger daughter got to meet DJ Homicide after the show.....and we got to touch mark and hold his hand and everything!!

Valerie D's Concert Review

I went to the concert on Feb. 28. It was the second time that I've seen them. We had floor tix so we were right in his face!! Save Ferris & Goldfinger were like the opening bands. Save Ferris was alright. Goldfinger rocked! Then Sugar Ray came on! They were awesome! I got lots of up close pics of the band. Then, at one point, this girl held up a sign that said "Mark, please kiss me!" and HE DID!!! That was just too cool!!!! I'm sure every girl there was jealous, I know I was!!! Anyways, then later on, he got off the stage and walked around the whole arena, shaking people's hands and saying hi. Then he came over to the floor area & he got like mobbed. I like ran over there and I got to touch him!! Cheap my best friend says! I like stuck my camera in front of his face & now I have this awesome up-close picture of him. So like after the concert, my best friend and I stood at the back gate by the back door & waited. Murphy came out & talked with us. We got his autograph & stuff. He was like way nice. Then Rodney came out & chatted. He was cool. We didn't get to meet Mark though. He wouldn't even come out & talk to us. Then Charlie & Darrin from Goldfinger came & talked w/ us. Way awesome!!

Marlena's Concert Review

Well, I met Craig Bullock (DJ Homocide) at the New Rock 104 Birthday Bash > in Fresno, CA September 11. My friend and I went to go get a t-shirt and > then we saw Sugar Ray's tour bus. I worked my way through the crowd and we > stood there for like ten minutes. I kept on seeing someone wave through > the window. Finally Mark came out be he IGNORED us. Then Craig came out. > I called out to him but he didn't come back. I said his name really loud > and then he came over to us. It was so awesome. I got his autograph on > Floored and Lemonade & Brownies (even though he wasn't part of the band > then). I was so happy. The concert was awesome! Mark had a sore throat > though. He's still cute. All of them are adorable and Craig was really > sweet.

Jessica's Concert Review

heres my sugar ray story, hope you enjoy it!! i went to a sugar ray show (actually the one and only time hey played here in fla.) this was in feb when they were on tour with goldfinger and save ferris. Before the show, we got there early, and met everyone. It was funny because i was looking accross the street, and mark was just strolling across!! i screamed "hey mark!" and he waved, then later he came and we talked, got pix, etc. they all were extremely nice!! well eric from save ferris was standing up above the entrence with a video camera, and i was waving to him. he made a flashing i was like what the hell. so i flashed the camera. eric told me to stay right there. he came down and got me and my 3 friends, he gave us back stage passes, took us on his bus (where we watched south park, and had a drink), and then chilled in the dressing room. we got a special vip spot for the show, and afterwards got to chill with all 3 bands. my 2 friends that i was with hooked up with the 2 horn players from goldfinger, and i was with eric (sax player) from save ferris. it sucked that i wasn't with one of my sugar ray guys....but it was just fun chillin. We even (stan, murphy, and I) drew tattoos on eachother with a red marker. And all for the price of a 2 second flash! The show was the best one I have ever been to, and if anyone knows if they are going to be here anytime...please letme know!!

Marianne's Concert Review

Yesterday was the concert, and I have to say, sadly it wasn't one of the best. We got there and the girl didn't show with the passes, but I never expected her to. So me and my friend got in the very front for Jimmie's Chicken Shack cause Lit was on after them. Now, I've been in the front before but I've never been pushed this much, I mean it wasn't that bad I had a camera digging into my side. But the band was really good, I was thinking of leaving but I really loved Lit so I didn't. Next was Lit and they were really good, but during I think the 2nd song, I like fainted, but it was so tight I was still standing and no one knew I did so I woke up still in the pit, but I stayed in anyway. Also, we had this lovely drunk guy like hanging over us telling us he had had some everclear before the concert. But Lit was really good, Me and my friend got out cause Blink 182 was next and I love them but the pit was gonna be crazy. So we got out and got something to drink and all, we went back and stood in the stands and watched, then they played Damnit and we ran in cause we wanted to crowd surf but no one would put us up. After that we had to go and find my mom, but we never set a place to meet so I had to wait in line for like 3 hours and call her. I missed a lot of Silver Chair and that really pissed me off cause I really like them. Also my mom said I could go to a Lit show that night where I could get backstage. But after Silver Chair, during the Bosstones, me and my friend were gonna go to the front for Orgy and Sugar Ray was after them, but we got separated. So I went over to where you could see the bands going to the stage and it was really cool cause the singer of the Bosstones came out and talked for a little, but right when I asked him to sign my shirt he threw the marker in the crowd and promised he'd come back out though. I saw Ryan, Paige, Jay, and Bobby walking to the stage and Ryan waved at me but like all the big Orgy fans had left. Then Murf and Stan went to the like backstage place by the stage! I tried to get Murf's attention but he had some girl with him and was going to the stage to watch Orgy. So then I knew I had to run to my mom and get all my stuff in case anyone else came out to sign something. So I ran all the way around the stadium from when Orgy went on stage and got back in the middle of their first song. So I got my stuff and waited. Orgy was really good, after them I met this girl who knew Ryan and Paige and she said if any of them came over she'd get backstage. She had like lost her friends so I sat around with her. I was gonna go in the pit for Sugar Ray but I didn't want to leave her so I just watched it on the big screen thing, they were sooo good though! They did RPM, Falls Apart, Even Though, Mean Machine, Fly, and Every Morning, I think that was it. After that I found my friend again and the girl who could get backstage found hers. And her friends were like really mean. So I sat with them for a while during Live and the Goo Goo Dolls. Paige walked by and we tried to get his attention but he didn't see us. Amir walked by too but he didn't really know her, and was just running out to talk to some of his friends. Mark walked by but I didn't really care, all the little teeny boppers started screaming at him and one girl asked me to get his attention so I yelled like "Mark, ummm yeah, hi" and he blew me and my friend a kiss. So, then I waited around during The Offspring some more. And after the Offspring, in the beginning of the Chili Peppers Murf came back out. So I jumped up and started like yelling "Murf, pleassseee come over here," but he had the same girl with him so he went to the stage, and I know he saw us cause he looked right at us. I mean, he didn't have to come over and I'm not mad at him that he didn't it's just that was my only chance to meet him ever again. After that I went up to the stands to be with my mom cause we were gonna leave. The Chili Peppers were really good though. So when we went to find the car, we were lucky enough to have it towed. So we got to sit around Baltimore for 2 more hours waiting for a cab. I have to say, it wasn't the best concert I've been to. And I like skipped out on Sugar Ray kinda too. It was a very depressing night I guess, and I was real tired

Megan's Concert Review

After driving about 3 hours and got to the hotel, we got to the bandstand about an hour early so we sat and waited. I bought a shirt and a necklace. After what felt like forever, Frog Pond came out. Fastball couldn't make it. They were OK. Then the intermission. We sat there for another 20 mins. Then Craig came out on a bike. I just sat there in shock until I seen Murphy come out and on the bigscreen. I started crying. My friends were like, "Are you OK?" and crap like that. All I could do was shake my head yes. Then they played Glory. I cried all the way through that. After that was over a guy handed Mark a guitar while he was talking. I looked at my friend and yelled, "Falls Apart!" (that's one of my faves) and then cried some more. I tried to scream but I couldn't, I was crying too much. I had a voice recorder and got the whole thing. You can even hear me crying on there. Then they played Falls Apart. Cried all the way through that. Then they played Even Though. I finally calmed down. They played Fly. The crowd went crazy. Totally deafening. I stood up and sang. I wasn't crying again until Mark was when he dedicated it to his grandmother). I was like, "Don't cry Mark, please don't cry." He cried and I cried with him. It was crazy. I had a huge headache from crying, screaming, and the loud music. That's what I call a music hangover. Best night of my life man. The screams were like so loud it wasn't funny. It really pumped the crowd up. Then they played Someday. Cried halfway through that cause it's another one of my faves. I was so shocked it was them right there. I had been waiting for that day for 1 1/2 years and it was finally here. Mark was like, "Say yeah, (yeah), Say yeah, (yeah), Say yeah, (yeah), Say HELL YEAH, (HELL YEAH!)" Every time Murphy was on the bigscreen I took a picture and screamed like, "I love Murphy" or "Go Murphy" or something like that. My head hurt but I didn't give a rip. A headache wouldn't ever bring me down from that night. Then we sang kereoke. Twisted Sisters, I think. Then they played Iron Mic. Everybody sat down besides me. I was the only one standing up besides the people on the track and

Melissa's Concert Review

Can I just tell you I had the time of my life on Saturday, June 3rd at the KISS 108 Concert in Mansfield, MA. Well, SR had a half hour time slot so they started off with Falls Apart, then Someday, Every Morning, and Fly. Well when my friends and I got there, one of my friends, Caitlin and I started scoping out the area where we can find places to sneak in, which event staff members we can bribe, or ways to meet SR. We were unsuccessful but it was worth trying. The venue is arranged like had an amphitheater which house seats that are wicked close to the stage and then you have the outer part of the theater which are lawn seats (far away from the stage). Well we had lawn seats. But we saw a girl we knew who traded our tix for the SR act. So my friend caitlin and I sat 8th row!! It gets better!! Guess who smiled and nod/pointed at us....the one and only Murphy Karges!! We were freaking out!!

This is what happened...Well we were seated on the left side of the stage, so mark walked over to the right singin' so everyone was screaming for him on that side. Well Murphy came towards our side which was quieter and so we held our posters and screamed We love you murphy, he heard us looked at us, smiled and did a nod like you would point to someone with your head!! That was the best half hour I ever had!! They all looked hot and sexy!! Mark had his beater and army green shorts, Murf had a shirt that said Dickie with a pic on it and shorts with socks, Stan had a shirt and tie, DJ had a white Shirt and jeans, Rod had a black shirt with khakis. They sounded awesome!! Everyone got up and danced and sang for them. And I got pics to prove it, I will be posting them up on my site later around July (hoping i will get a scanner by then). We asked an event staff member if he could go and give our posters to Sugar Ray and he agreed but when he did they already left for North Carolina..the event staff member was the guard for the entrance to the tour bus parking lot. Well I had three posterboards for Sugar Ray...

3.) -it was a paragraph that had all their song and album titles inserted it goes...
Sugar Ray are "the greatest" and are "live and direct" in concert. They're no "American Pig" or a "Personal Space Invader" they are our "Fly" boys from " Speed Home California." "Anyone" who knows us know that we live and "Breathe" Sugar Ray. "Every Morning" we listen to "ode to the lonely hearted." "Even though" we question the lyrics of "Rhyme Stealer, Big Black Woman, and 10 Seconds down." we still scream, "Aim for me," Sugar Ray. We hope "Someday" we will find "Glory" in meeting you and drive the "Mean Machine" through a "Drive By" McDonald's and spend some "cash" at "Snug Harbor." "Rodney Plus Murphy" are the main guitarists while stan and DJ "Tap, Twist, Snap" the beats. "Hold your Eyes, 'cause mark can shake his "Caboose" and create the ultimate "Dance Party USA." Melissa "Falls Apart" when SR "Stand and Deliver" their "New Direction" of music into the "Iron Mic." Caitlin has "High Anxiety" while you jam the songs "Streaker, Danzig Needs a hug, and Burning dog." Please say the magic word: "Abracadabra" so we can meet you but not become "Invisible .." We will be "Floored" if KISS send us to the "Right Direction." So pass out the "Lemonade and Brownies" 'cause Sugar Ray has more than "14:59" to party at KISS concert 2000-the "New Direction"

Thank You everyone for sending me your reviews! But i need more if you have been to a concert and you have a story to tell (with pictures or no pictures) me go ahead and send it to me!